Your Child's Success is your utmost priority and is ours also.
We provide tutoring and practice materials for children in grades 1 thru 12. Students are given grade related tutoring and practice material during class. Homework is given after each class and must be done before the next class.
Our Math Program is highly sucessful. Our students have the top scores in math and science at the local area elementary, intermediary and high schools.
Tuesdays: 6:00PM - 8:00PM
Rate: $35 for the 2 hours session
We prepare students for the different NYS Math Regents examinations.
NYS Math Regents Exams Prep Schedule:
Rate: $40 for the 2 hours session
SAT Prep Schedule: 10 sessions - 2 hours per session.
Session I Start Date: February 4th, 2016
Session II Start Date: February 6th, 2016
Our classes are normally small with approx 5 students per class.
There are 20 hours of live instruction. Our lessons cover concepts drills and practice tests. We also provide study tools and guide to help our students practice on their own.
Simulation practice questions and solutions are included in price.
Cost: $599
We also prepare students for several math competitions such as the Kangaroo Math Olympiad. All our students scored in the top 10 percent last year.
Olympiad Math Practice Schedule:
Rate: $35 for the 2 hours session
Grand Master Lecture:
This Chess Program is sponsored by Nations Changers Inc. and is heavily discounted. It is open to students entering 1st grade thru 10th grade.
Rate: $35 for the 2 hours session
For Math and Chess - Grades 1 - 6
In our chess class we have half hour of lecture with an International Master (IM). We focus on opening, middle and end game.
After the lecture, the students play supervised tournament style games against each other. During these games they have to notate and use a clock.
Our goal is to take the students to the next level in chess. We stress patience, planning, strategies, attack, defense and execution.
Rate: After School Program Rate $35/afternoon. Children are taught math or chess in the afternoon. Children must be enrolled for a minimum of 3 days to take advantage of this rate. Please call our office for detail.
Students will learn how to code in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3. Students will learn to solve mathematical problems and create games using JavaScript.
Computer Programming Schedule:
Rate: $40 for the 2 hours session
Sibling Discount
We offer discounts for families with more than one child enrolled at our center. The discount is 10% off the second child's tuition rate and 10% for any child thereafter.
Classes are held at:
16 Mt. Ebo Road South