Nations Changers Inc. is a
non-profit corporation.
Our goal is to promote a love in youth for the sciences as well as
mathematics. We are
using chess as the main vehicle to help our students develop the
power of concentration as well as analytic and critical reasoning so that they
can improve their tests scores, especially in Mathematics-- which
is our main focus.
According to Gary Kasporov “More
than any other game, chess has the potential to transform a child.
If taught correctly, chess can be a student's driving force, helping
him/her in every aspect of critical thinking development.”
Here at Nations Changers we
agree with Kasporov 100%.
Chess helps to promote academic excellence.
When a child plays competitive chess, that child has to engage
his brain to remember the 64 squares of the chessboard,
The the names of the pieces, their worth, and
how they move. He
has to mentally study and remember certain chess theories such as:
proper opening, middle, and endgame.
After learning these chess theories, they then have to
systematically plan how they are going to successfully develop their
pieces to checkmate their opponent, thus engaging the power of
planning, strategy, and focus.
Chess also instantly teaches
children life principles.
When a wrong move is made in chess it cannot be taken back
and often results
in the loss
of the game; so chess also promotes
A chess player has to
analyze his opponent’s position and his own position, and thoughtfully
process what would be his best move to gain an advantage.
At Nations Changers we have a
group of staff who has the expertise to teach chess the right way.
We also have an International Chess Master (IM) who provides
chess lectures to our
students. We have the
willingness to impart and the ability and love to positively impact
a young person’s life.
Currently, we run a
FREE chess program in the
libraries in Putnam County each summer and a after-school chess and
math programs at our facility during the school year.
Your donation whether small or large will help to empower
these Youth.
DONATE today and
positively impact a child’s life forever.
Building Better Students